Server Configuration

Startup parameters supports the following arguments:

  • --log {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}: Sets the log option. The DEBUG option is useful for troubleshooting.

  • --fresh: Resets all non-plugin data including custom abilities and adversaries, operations, and the agent list. A gzipped, tarball backup of the original content is stored in the data/backup directory. This makes it possible to recover the server state after an accidental --fresh startup by running tar -zxvf data/backup/backup-<timestamp>.tar.gz from the root caldera directory before server startup.

  • --environment ENVIRONMENT: Sets a custom configuration file. See “Custom configuration files” below for additional details.

  • --plugins PLUGINS: Sets CALDERA to run only with the specified plugins

  • --insecure: Uses the conf/default.yml file for configuration, not recommended.

Configuration file

Caldera’s configuration file is located at conf/local.yml, written on the first run. If the server is run with the --insecure option (not recommended), CALDERA will use the file located at conf/default.yml.

Configuration file changes must be made while the server is shut down. Any changes made to the configuration file while the server is running will be overwritten.

The YAML configuration file contains all the configuration variables CALDERA requires to boot up and run. A documented configuration file is below:

ability_refresh: 60  # Interval at which ability YAML files will refresh from disk 
api_key_blue: BLUEADMIN123  # API key which grants access to CALDERA blue
api_key_red: ADMIN123  # API key which grants access to CALDERA red mycaldera.caldera  # Domain for the DNS contact server  # Listen host and port for the DNS contact server API_KEY  # API key for the GIST contact /weather  # Endpoint to use for the HTML contact  # Server to connect to for the HTTP contact  # Listen host and port for the TCP contact server  # Listen host and port for the UDP contact server  # Listen host and port for the Websocket contact server
crypt_salt: REPLACE_WITH_RANDOM_VALUE  # Salt for file encryption
encryption_key: ADMIN123  # Encryption key for file encryption
exfil_dir: /tmp  # The directory where files exfiltrated through the /file/upload endpoint will be stored
host:  # Host the server will listen on 
plugins:  # List of plugins to enable
- access
- atomic
- compass
- debrief
- fieldmanual
- gameboard
- manx
- response
- sandcat
- stockpile
- training
port: 8888  # Port the server will listen on
reports_dir: /tmp  # The directory where reports are saved on server shutdown
requirements:  # CALDERA requirements
    command: go version
    type: installed_program
    version: 1.11
    attr: version
    module: sys
    type: python_module
    version: 3.6.1
users:  # User list for CALDERA blue and CALDERA red
    blue: admin  # Username and password
    admin: admin
    red: admin

Custom configuration files

Custom configuration files can be created with a new file in the conf/ directory. The name of the config file can then be specified with the -E flag when starting the server.

Caldera will choose the configuration file to use in the following order:

  1. A config specified with the -E or --environment command-line options. For instance, if started with python -E foo, CALDERA will load it’s configuration from conf/foo.yml.

  2. conf/local.yml: Caldera will prefer the local configuration file if no other options are specified.

  3. conf/default.yml: If no config is specified with the -E option and it cannot find a conf/local.yml configuration file, CALDERA will use its default configuration options.

Enabling LDAP login

CALDERA can be configured to allow users to log in using LDAP. To do so add an ldap section to the config with the following fields:

  • dn: the base DN under which to search for the user

  • server: the URL of the LDAP server, optionally including the scheme and port

  • user_attr: the name of the attribute on the user object to match with the username, e.g. cn or sAMAccountName. Default: uid

  • group_attr: the name of the attribute on the user object to match with the group, e.g. MemberOf or group. Default: objectClass

  • red_group: the value of the group_attr that specifies a red team user. Default: red

For example:

  dn: cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org
  server: ldap://
  user_attr: uid
  group_attr: objectClass
  red_group: organizationalperson

This will allow the employee user to log in as uid=employee,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org. This user has an objectClass attribute that contains the value organizationalperson, so they will be logged in as a red team user. In contrast, the admin user does not have an objectClass of organizationalperson so they will be logged in as a blue team user.

Be sure to change these settings to match your specific LDAP environment.

Note that adding the ldap section will disable any accounts listed in the users section of the config file; only LDAP will be used for logging in.