How to Build Planners

For any desired planner decision logic not encapsulated in the default batch planner (or any other existing planner), CALDERA requires that a new planner be implemented to encode such decision logic.


The cornerstone of how planners make decisions is centered on a concept we call ‘buckets’. Buckets denote the planner’s state machine and are intended to correspond to buckets of CALDERA abilities. Within a planner, macro level decision control is encoded by specifying which buckets (i.e. states) follow other buckets, thus forming a bucket state machine. Micro level decisions are made within the buckets, by specifying any logic detailing which abilities to send to agents and when to do so.

CALDERA abilities are also tagged by the buckets they are in. By default, when abilities are loaded by CALDERA, they are tagged with the bucket of the ATT&CK technique they belong to. CALDERA abilities can also be tagged/untagged at will by any planner as well, before starting the operation or at any point in it. The intent is for buckets to work with the abilities that have been tagged for that bucket, but this is by no means enforced.

Creating a Planner

Let’s dive into creating a planner to see the power and flexibility of the CALDERA planner component. For this example, we will implement a planner that will carry out the following state machine:

privileged persistence sm screenshot

The planner will consist of 5 buckets: Privilege Escalation, Collection, Persistence, Discovery, and Lateral Movement. As implied by the state machine, this planner will use the underlying adversary abilities to attempt to spread to as many hosts as possible and establish persistence. As an additional feature, if an agent cannot obtain persistence due to unsuccessful privilege escalation attempts, then the agent will execute collection abilities immediately in case it loses access to the host.

This document will walk through creating three basic components of a planner module (initialization, entrypoint method, and bucket methods), creating the planner data object, and applying the planner to a new operation.

Creating the Python Module

We will create a python module called and nest it under app/ in the mitre/stockpile plugin at plugins/stockpile/app/

First, lets build the static initialization of the planner:

class LogicalPlanner:

    def __init__(self, operation, planning_svc, stopping_conditions=()):
        self.operation = operation
        self.planning_svc = planning_svc
        self.stopping_conditions = stopping_conditions
        self.stopping_condition_met = False
        self.state_machine = ['privilege_escalation', 'persistence', 'collection', 'discovery', 'lateral_movement']
        self.next_bucket = 'privilege_escalation'

Look closer at these lines:

    def __init__(self, operation, planning_svc, stopping_conditions=()):
        self.operation = operation
        self.planning_svc = planning_svc
        self.stopping_conditions = stopping_conditions
        self.stopping_condition_met = False

The __init__() method for a planner must take and store the required arguments for the operation instance, planning_svc handle, and any supplied stopping_conditions.

Additionally, self.stopping_condition_met, which is used to control when to stop bucket execution, is initially set to False. During bucket execution, this property will be set to True if any facts gathered by the operation exactly match (both trait and value) any of the facts provided in stopping_conditions. When this occurs, the operation will stop running new abilities.

        self.state_machine = ['privilege_escalation', 'persistence', 'collection', 'discovery', 'lateral_movement']

The self.state_machine variable is an optional list enumerating the base line order of the planner state machine. This ordered list does not control the bucket execution order, but is used to define a base line state machine that we can refer back to in our decision logic. This will be demonstrated in our example below when we create the bucket methods.

        self.next_bucket = 'privilege_escalation'

The self.next_bucket variable holds the next bucket to be executed. This is the next bucket that the planner will enter and whose bucket method will next control the planning logic. Initially, we set self.next_bucket to the first bucket the planner will begin in. We will modify self.next_bucket from within our bucket methods in order to specify the next bucket to execute.

Additional Planner class variables

It is also important to note that a planner may define any required variables that it may need. For instance, many custom planners require information to be passed from one bucket to another during execution. This can be done by creating class variables to store information which can be accessed within any bucket method and will persist between bucket transitions.

Now, lets the define the planner’s entrypoint method: execute

    async def execute(self):
        await self.planning_svc.execute_planner(self)

execute is where the planner starts and where any runtime initialization is done. execute_planner works by executing the bucket specified by self.next_bucket until the self.stopping_condition_met variable is set to True. For our planner, no further runtime initialization is required in the execute method.

Finally, lets create our bucket methods:

    async def privilege_escalation(self):
        ability_links = await self.planning_svc.get_links(self.operation, buckets=['privilege escalation'])
        paw = ability_links[0].paw if ability_links else None
        link_ids = [await self.operation.apply(l) for l in ability_links]
        await self.operation.wait_for_links_completion(link_ids)
        successful = self.operation.has_fact('{}.privilege.root'.format(paw), True) or self.operation.has_fact('{}.privilege.admin'.format(paw), True)
        if successful:
            self.next_bucket = 'persistence'
            self.next_bucket = 'collection'

    async def persistence(self):
        await self.planning_svc.exhaust_bucket(self, 'persistence', self.operation)
        self.next_bucket = await self.planning_svc.default_next_bucket('persistence', self.state_machine)

    async def collection(self):
        await self.planning_svc.exhaust_bucket(self, 'collection', self.operation)
        self.next_bucket = 'discovery'

    async def discovery(self):
        await self.planning_svc.exhaust_bucket(self, 'discovery', self.operation)
        lateral_movement_unlocked = bool(len(await self.planning_svc.get_links(self.operation, buckets=['lateral_movement'])))
        if lateral_movement_unlocked:
            self.next_bucket = await self.planning_svc.default_next_bucket('discovery', self.state_machine)
            # planner will transtion from this bucket to being done
            self.next_bucket = None

    async def lateral_movement(self):
        await self.planning_svc.exhaust_bucket(self, 'lateral_movement', self.operation)
        self.next_bucket = 'privilege_escalation'

These bucket methods are where all inter-bucket transitions and intra-bucket logic will be encoded. For every bucket in our planner state machine, we must define a corresponding bucket method.

Lets look at each of the bucket methods in detail:

  • privilege_escalation() - We first use get_links planning service utility to retrieve all abilities (links) tagged as privilege escalation from the operation adversary. We then push these links to the agent with apply and wait for these links to complete with wait_for_links_completion(), both from the operation utility. After the links complete, we check for the creation of custom facts that indicate the privilege escalation was successful (Note: this assumes the privilege escalation abilities we are using create custom facts in the format “{paw}.privilege.root” or “{paw}.privilege.admin” with values of True or False). If privilege escalation was successful, set the next bucket to be executed to persistence, otherwise collection.

  • persistence(), collection(), lateral_movement() - These buckets have no complex logic, we just want to execute all links available and are tagged for the given bucket. We can use the exhaust_bucket() planning service utility to apply all links for the given bucket tag. Before exiting, we set the next bucket as desired. Note that in the persistence() bucket we use the default_next_bucket() planning service utility, which will automatically choose the next bucket after “persistence” in the provided self.state_machine ordered list.

  • discovery() - This bucket starts by running all discovery ability links available. Then we utilize a useful trick to determine if the planner should proceed to the lateral movement bucket. We use get_links() to determine if the discovery links that were just executed ended up unlocking ability links for lateral movement. From there we set the next bucket accordingly.

Additional Notes on Privileged Persistence Planner

  • You may have noticed that the privileged_persistence planner is only notionally more sophisticated than running certain default adversary profiles. This is correct. If you can find or create an adversary profile whose ability enumeration (i.e. order) can carry out your desired operational progression between abilities and can be executed in batch (by the default batch planner) or in a sequentially atomic order (by atmomic planner), it is advised to go that route. However, any decision logic above those simple planners will have to be implemented in a new planner.

  • The privileged persistence planner did not have explicit logic to handle multiple agents. We just assumed the planner buckets would only have to handle a single active agent given the available ability links returned from the planning service.

Creating the Planner Object

In order to use this planner inside CALDERA, we will create the following YAML file at plugins/stockpile/data/planners/80efdb6c-bb82-4f16-92ae-6f9d855bfb0e.yml:


id: 80efdb6c-bb82-4f16-92ae-6f9d855bfb0e
name: privileged_persistence
description: |
  Privileged Persistence Planner: Attempt to spread to as many hosts as possible and establish persistence.
  If privilege escalation attempts succeed, establish persistence. Then, collect data.
params: {}
ignore_enforcement_modules: []

This will create a planner in CALDERA which will call the module we’ve created at

NOTE: For planners intended to be used with profiles containing repeatable abilities, allow_repeatable_abilities: True must be added to the planner YAML file. Otherwise, CALDERA will default the value to False and assume the planner does not support repeatable abilities.

Using the Planner

To use the planner, create an Operation and select the “Use privileged_persistence planner” option in the planner dropdown (under Autonomous). Any selected planner will use the abilities in the selected adversary profile during the operation. Since abilities are automatically added to buckets which correlate to MITRE ATT&CK tactics, any abilities with the following tactics will be executed by the privileged_persistence planner: privilege_escalation, persistence, collection, discovery, and lateral_movement.

A Minimal Planner

Custom planners do not have to use the buckets approach to work with the CALDERA operation interface if not desired. Here is a minimal planner that will still work with the operation interface.

class LogicalPlanner:

    def __init__(self, operation, planning_svc, stopping_conditions=()):
        self.operation = operation
        self.planning_svc = planning_svc
        self.stopping_conditions = stopping_conditions
        self.stopping_condition_met = False

    async def execute(self):
        # Implement Planner Logic

Planning Service Utilities

Within a planner, these utilities are available from self.planning_svc:

  • exhaust_bucket() - Apply all links for specified bucket. Blocks execution until all links are completed, either after batch push, or separately for every pushed link. Allows a single agent to be specified.

  • execute_links() - Wait for links to complete and update stopping conditions.

  • default_next_bucket() - Returns next bucket as specified in the given state machine. If the current bucket is the last in the list, the bucket order loops from last bucket to first. Used in the above example to advance to the next bucket in the persistence and discovery buckets.

  • add_ability_to_next_bucket() - Applies a custom bucket to an ability. This can be used to organize abilities into buckets that aren’t standard MITRE ATT&CK tactics.

  • execute_planner() - Executes the default planner execution flow, progressing from bucket to bucket. Execution will stop if: all buckets have been executed (self.next_bucket is set to None), planner stopping conditions have been met, or the operation is halted.

  • get_links() - For an operation and agent combination, create links (that can be executed). When no agent is supplied, links for all agents in an operation are returned. Uses operation.all_facts() to determine if an ability has been unlocked. Used in the above example in the discovery bucket to determine if any lateral movement abilities have been unlocked.

  • get_cleanup_links() - Generates cleanup links for a given operation, to be run when a operation is completed.

  • generate_and_trim_links() - Creates new links based on provided operation, agent, and abilities. Optionally, trim links using trim_links() to return only valid links with completed facts. Facts are selected from the operation using operation.all_facts().

  • check_stopping_conditions() - Checks the collected operation facts against the stopping conditions set by the planner.

  • update_stopping_condition_met() - Update a planner’s stopping_condition_met property with the results of check_stopping_conditions().

Operation Utilities

Within a planner, all public utilities are available from self.operation. The follow may assist in planner development:

  • apply() - Add a link to the operation.

  • wait_for_links_completion() - Wait for started links to be completed.

  • all_facts() - Return a list of all facts collected during an operation. These will include both learned and seeded (from the operation source) facts.

  • has_fact() - Search an operation for a fact with a particular trait and value.

  • all_relationships() - Return a list of all relationships collected during an operation.

  • active_agents() - Find all agents in the operation that have been active since operation start.