Note: The original REST API has been deprecated. The new REST API v2 has been released, with documentation available here after server startup. Alternatively, this can be viewed by scrolling to the bottom of the CALDERA navigation menu and selecting “api docs.”

All REST API functionality can be viewed in the module in the source code.


You can interact with all parts of CALDERA through the core REST API endpoint /api/rest. If you send requests to “localhost” - you are not required to pass a key header. If you send requests to or any other IP addresses, the key header is required. You can set the API key in the conf/default.yml file. Some examples below will use the header, others will not, for example.

Any request to this endpoint must include an “index” as part of the request, which routes it to the appropriate object type.

Here are the available REST API functions:



Delete any agent.

curl -H "KEY:$API_KEY" -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/rest -d '{"index":"agents","paw":"$agent_paw"}'


View the abilities a given agent could execute.

curl -H "KEY:$API_KEY" -X POST localhost:8888/plugin/access/abilities -d '{"paw":"$PAW"}'

Execute a given ability against an agent, outside the scope of an operation.

curl -H "KEY:$API_KEY" -X POST localhost:8888/plugin/access/exploit -d '{"paw":"$PAW","ability_id":"$ABILITY_ID","obfuscator":"plain-text"}'

You can optionally POST an obfuscator and/or a facts dictionary with key/value pairs to fill in any variables the chosen ability requires.

{"paw":"$PAW","ability_id":"$ABILITY_ID","obfuscator":"base64","facts":[{"trait":"username","value":"admin"},{"trait":"password", "value":"123"}]}


View all abilities for a specific adversary_id (the UUID of the adversary).

curl -H "KEY:$API_KEY" 'http://localhost:8888/api/rest' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"index":"adversaries","adversary_id":"$adversary_id"}'

View all abilities for all adversaries.

curl -H "KEY:$API_KEY" 'http://localhost:8888/api/rest' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"index":"adversaries"}'



Delete any operation. Operation ID must be a integer.

curl -H "KEY:$API_KEY" -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/rest -d '{"index":"operations","id":"$operation_id"}'


Change the state of any operation. In addition to finished, you can also use: paused, run_one_link or running.

curl -X POST -H "KEY:$API_KEY" http://localhost:8888/api/rest -d '{"index":"operation", "op_id":123, "state":"finished"}'


Create a new operation. All that is required is the operation name, similar to creating a new operation in the browser.

curl -X PUT -H "KEY:$API_KEY" -d '{"index":"operations","name":"testoperation1"}'

Optionally, you can include:

  1. group (defaults to empty string)

  2. adversary_id (defaults to empty string)

  3. planner (defaults to batch)

  4. source (defaults to basic’)

  5. jitter (defaults to 2/8)

  6. obfuscator (defaults to plain-text)

  7. visibility (defaults to 50)

  8. autonomous (defaults to 1)

  9. phases_enabled (defaults to 1)

  10. auto_close (defaults to 0)

To learn more about these options, read the “What is an operation?” documentation section.


Files can be uploaded to CALDERA by POST’ing a file to the /file/upload endpoint. Uploaded files will be put in the exfil_dir location specified in the default.yml file.


curl -F 'data=@path/to/file' http://localhost:8888/file/upload


Files can be dowloaded from CALDERA through the /file/download endpoint. This endpoint requires an HTTP header called “file” with the file name as the value. When a file is requested, CALDERA will look inside each of the payload directories listed in the local.yml file until it finds a file matching the name.

Files can also be downloaded indirectly through the payload block of an ability.

Additionally, the Sandcat plugin delivery commands utilize the file download endpoint to drop the agent on a host


curl -X POST -H "" http://localhost:8888/file/download >